About the Business
We want to give you meaningful choices. If we stock three similar products, it is because each and every model offers something unique, either in terms of features, fit or function. We will guide you expertly through those differences in person or through our written advice. We often search out smaller quality makes that you will not encounter in your average chain, Swedish and Norwegian brands like Fjallraven and Bergans, great Yorkshire bootmaker Alt-Berg, or fast and light rucksacks from Osprey. In doing so, we hope to give you unique and real choices that are most relevant to what you intend to do, be it heading into the hills, climbing alpine peaks or travelling to far flung locations.
It feels great to look at your old worn out leather boots that have been your trusty companions for years, think of all of the adventure you had in them and knew you made the right choice. We are here to help you with that choice and thus only keep things that stand up to the claims being made about it.
Location & Hours

11 Green St