About the Business

Where did it all start. Outdoors & Active was started in 2006 by Paul Batts and Robert Parker to fill a gap locally for good quality outdoor gear. It soon became apparent that there was also a lack of choice in the outdoor market. Most outdoor stores only keeping a lot of the same things. Over the years we have extended our range of products to try and offer something for everyone, and also offer you a choice in what you are looking for. We also believe in good old customer service, where possible we will always aim to be as helpful and informative as possible.

Too many times in the past we have gone into outdoor stores to ask a question, only to be greeted with a blank look! Being an independent store also allows us to be very flexible with our suppliers, so if you see something that they make but cannot get it, as long as it is in stock with them we will gladly get it for you.

Location & Hours

29 Meadow Street

Weston super Mare, BS23 1QQ
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